Terms of Use
Silicon Valley Twins & Triplets will provide a supportive, drama-free environment for all of its members.​
Participation in the club constitutes an agreement to be respectful when engaging in club business, both of fellow club members as well as of the general public. Conversations at all meetings and on all discussion and social media forums are public. Personal opinions about race, sex, sexual orientation, gender, religion, disability, etc., are not welcome on any Silicon Valley Twins & Triplets forum or at any meeting.
Debate or disagreement will be addressed with respect.
Members requiring assistance resolving a conflict or problem may appeal to board leadership (the president or co-presidents).
Conflicts will be resolved according to the policy below.
Complaint Process
1. Members requiring assistance resolving a conflict or problem will submit a written request to the president (or co-presidents).
The request will:
State the conflict as the member understands it.
Propose a solution to resolve the conflict.
2. The president will evaluate the complaint and proposed solution and meet with all members involved within 7 days of receiving the request. A written solution (incorporating or responding to the complainant’s solution) will be presented at the meeting. The president may invite a mediator (a club member not involved in the conflict) to witness the proceedings.
3. All members will sign an agreement to abide by the solution presented at the meeting.
4. Failure to adhere to the solution will result in the involved members forfeiting club membership.
Disciplinary Process
1. Members who do not adhere to the guidelines for respect and conflict resolution (above) will receive a written warning from the President about the behavior in question.
2. Members will be allowed to respond according to the club’s complaint process (above). A mediator (a club member not involved in the conflict or behavior) will attend any meetings that occur to witness the conversation and agreement.
3. A second instance requiring discipline will result in the member(s) forfeiting club membership. In the instance of behavior limited to board meetings only, the involved member(s) will be asked to leave the board. A second occurrence of disrespectful behavior will result in the member(s) forfeiting club membership.